This page contains the registration and order form. This is for vendors, flea market people, those who want two-day passes, bringing games, and ordering T-shirts. To receive the discounted price on spaces, we must receive this form before Sept 29, 2016. Kindly print out this page complete the form, sign and date it, and mail it to: White Rose Gameroom Show, 334 Braeburn Drive Etters, PA 17319
Please enclose a full payment made payable to: The White Rose Gameroom Show.
City / state_____________________________Zip __________________________
Telephone____________________ E-mail______________________________
I'm bringing _______ game(s) for inside the 2016 show set on free play.
I'm bringing the above game(s) for _______Friday_______Saturday
I will need indoor vendor space.
Each space is 10' x 10' $140 x ________ spaces = $________
Tables for my space $11 x ________ tables = $________
Chairs for my space $1.50 x ________ chairs = $________
I will need tailgate space.
Each space is 10' x 10'. $85 x ________ spaces = $_______
T-shirts are $15.00 each. Indicate quantity next to the size.
________S, _______M, _______L, _______XL,

_______XXL, _______XXXL = $_______
All 2-day passes must be ordered and pre-paid by September 29th, 2015.
(No discounted 2-day passes at the door will be sold)

2-day passes -->

Adults $25 x _____passes = $_______

Kids 6 to 12 $8 x _____passes = $_______
I'm enclosing a check for a grand total of $____________. (thank you)
If we are notified after Sept. 29, 2016:
Each outdoor flea market space increases to $110.00
Each indoor vendor space increases to $165.00
I understand that the promoters, workers, and volunteers are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property, nor liable for personal injury of any kind. I am aware of the penalties that could occur on my tailgate or inside vendor space if not paid by Sept. 29, and am aware of the rules of the show, and early game removal conditions.
Please sign and date below.
_____________________________________________________________ Date_____________